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The Jomsviking Battle

The Jomsviking Battle - omslag

This book is an updated version of the book “Slagstaden”.
Many people have asked the question: Is the renaming of Liavågen to Hjørungavåg about hundred years ago built on erroneous foundations? Or could there be other places on Sunnmøre which would correspond better with the old writings when locating the site of the Jómsviking battle?
There have been many other suggestions: Hjørundfjorden, Aspevågen. Vegsundet, Flisvågen, Ørskogvika, Norangsfjorden, Ørstafjorden, Ulsteinfjorden, Haugsfjorden and Gurskevågen. In addition to describing the many theories, Johan Ottesen also presents his own opinion.
A central vágr (bay) by the island of Hǫð (today Hareidlandet) is Havåg. This bay is named after the island, and it was in this area the battle took place, says Johan Ottesen.

Første gang utgitt i 2024.

ISBN: 978-82-93042-09-9

Pris kr 420,-

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